I am currently available to review books! When reviewing I will give my honest opinion, but I will also be fair to the writer. Usually when I receive a book it takes me two weeks to post a review, usually. I will post a new review every Wednesday. Once the review is posted it will not be taken down. I will also post my review to Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes and Nobles.
I love to read new books whenever possible here is a list of book I will review:
There are certain genres that if you ask me to review I will have no choice but to say yes!
*Romantic Suspense
*Chic Lit
*Women's Fiction
(I'm a sucker for a love story. Especially if it's a crime novel. My favorite author is Karin Slaughter therefore anything in her genre I will review first.)
Next genres that I will review, but not my favorite:
*Children's books
*Horror Fiction
*Paranormal (Iffy though I would have to read the description first)
Genres I wont review:
*Apocalyptic scenarios
*Science Fiction
If you would like to have me review your book shoot me and email at angelaprilwalker@gmail.com. Put book review in the subject line. In the email include the genre and a link to your website or the description and I will get back to you and let you know if it's a book I would like to review. *All books must be in Ebook format. Unless you would like to mail me a print copy of your novel.
I just sent you an email, I'm liking the pink btw!